Thursday 10 September 2009

Welcome to The Lazy Person's Poetry Group

Hello. Tired of wading through mires of sludge-like prose? Bothered by book groups that demand you read an entire book? The cheek of it. Feeling the absence of rhyme and anapests in your life? Welcome to the Lazy Person's Poetry Group.

I was like that, you see. Unpoetic and feeling a little blue. Asking around the cleverer and better-looking members of my acquaintance, I realised that others felt as I did. So, with their help, I decided to create the Lazy Person's Poetry Group.

In essence, it is an occasional meeting of minds and friends - some old, some new - who mourn the absence of verse in their everyday tooing and froing. The premise is that the members choose a few poems . Not too many, mind you; that might verge on the un-idle. We meet and chat about them in whatever way occurs: formally or (if you'll pardon the pun) informally; with head or with heart; with love or distaste. Wine should flow. Pizza fly. And criticism cut the air like something sharp but ethereal.

The poems are presented about a week in advance of the meeting. Members can read, study and prepare, should they wish to. Or simply turn up and say the first thing that comes into their minds. Unless that thing is: "Where did they put the purple bungers?" Inappropriate for discussing, say, a love poem by Robert Wyatt.

The rest will be made up as we go along. The first meeting is tonight: Thursday September 10th 2009. If you never hear from us again, you can assume we disbanded before we even began. Feel that crazy pathos. I hope, however, it will be the first of many. If we can rouse the energy, that is.

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